
Personal Essays

Find more of Amy’s Writing on
Substack, 2023-2024

The Art of Belonging: building LGBTQIA+ communities through creative expression
ACON, Say It Out Loud, 2024

A Demon Named Shame: loving a girl in the early 2000s
Medium, 2022

My Month as a tarot reader: an exercise in desperation
Medium, 2022

Other Work and Achievements

Accepted into the WestWords Academy, 2023

Recipient of the WestWords-Varuna Emerging Writer’s Residency, 2023

Judge for The Living Stories Western Sydney Writing Prize, 2023

Judge for the Fisher’s Ghost Writing Prize, 2023

Humans of WSU feature, 2023

Humans of WSU followup feature, 2024


Saltwater Girls
The Sour Collective #31: Pride Pt. 2, 2024

Cat Scratch Fever
The Crack in the Teacup 6: Writing Industries Anthology, Western Sydney University, 2024

Candy, in Technicolour
W’SUP, Subculture Edition, 2024

Look Around (longlisted)
Furious Fiction, Australian Writers’ Centre, 2024

The Anniversary Dinner
Verandah Journal, Vol. 38, 2023

An Earlier Train
Flash Fiction Magazine, 2023

The Weight of Love & The Lovers
LOVESICK Anthology, Vol. 1, 2023

Little Purple Ghosts
W’SUP, Spring Edition, 2021


Hope for the Environment
Clean up Australia, 2023

Three Pieces of Writing Advice from Queer Writers
Medium, 2022

How to Make Money from Your Zines
Medium, 2022


Ebb Tide (excerpt)
The West’s Time to Shine, WestWords, 2023

Brand New Word Poetry Festival, 2022